Let us turn your ad into an easy-to-use computer program with ±±±±±±Ü ±±±±±±±Ü ±±±±±±Ü ±±±±±±Ü ±±Ü ±±Ü ±±±±±±Ü ±±Ûß±±Û ±±Ûß±±Û ±±Ûßßßß ±±Ûßßßß ±±Û ±±Ûß ±±Ûßßßß ±±±±±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ±±±±±±Ü ±±±±Ü ±±±±Ûß ±±±±Ü ±±Ûß±±Û ±±Û ±±Û ßßß±±Û ±±Ûßß ±±Ûß±±Û ±±Ûßß ±±Û ±±Û ±±±±±±±Û ±±±±±±Û ±±Ü ±±±±±±Ü ±±Ûß ±±Û ±±±±±±Ü ßß ßß ßßßßßßß ßßßßßß ßß ßßßßßß ßß ßß ßßßßßß It's cost effective and it's time to get with the program! Read (scroll) on! With ADS.EXE your ad can be easily converted into an executable (.EXE) file to be placed on The Mail Order PC Gazette, the Opportunities Online BBS, and many other electronic publications and bulletin boards. Your ad will be an easy-to-use, ready-to-go actual computer program! Your potential customer won't need to bring your text file ad into a text editor or a word processor. All they'll have to do is type the filename to start your ad program! Your new ad program will have its own text display system to present your offer! The ad program on your latest gizmo can be called GIZMO.EXE. The reader would type GIZMO to start the program. Then up pops a menu just like the one you'll see on the demo program. The reader can elect to read the ad, print the ad, or install the ad into memory on their computer! Plus... ...you'll receive a checking copy of your ad program to upload to other BBS's or send to other PC disk publishers, and to use on your own PC disk publications. (Computer bulletin boards that don't normally encourage advertising are more likely to let uploaded .EXE files stay online as opposed to simple text files carrying advertising.) Plus... ... Your company or product name will be programmed into the background screen on the menu just like ours is on this program! (Limit of 35 letters and spaces). You can start the demo program by typing ADS at the prompt, just the way your customer will start your ad program, or you can select it from the catalog menu. So how much does it cost? How about just $15.00 plus $1.00 for each kilobyte of text, or each portion of a kilobyte. For reference purposes, this textfile is a little over 4,000 bytes or 4 Kilobytes.( If you eliminate the large fonts at the beginning you'll be able to get a lot more regular text in). So your cost for an ADS.EXE ad of this size is just $20.00! That's $15.00 base charge plus $5.00 for the text file. If your ad text is 7,234 bytes, your cost is the base charge of $15.00 plus $8.00 for the text file for a total of $23.00. So, if you have an ad the same length as this file you're reading now it would cost you just $20.00! So what do you get for $20.00? You get: 1. Your ad converted to a complete, easy-to-use, computer program. You get your company name as well as the title of your ad on the opening menu of your program. 2. Your new ad program placed on The Mail Order PC Gazette master disk and on The Opportunities Online BBS in Dallas for a minimum of 60 days. 3. A checking copy of your new ad program so that you can upload it to other computer bulletin boards, send it to other PC disk publishers, and add it to your own PC disk publications. 4. A 50% commission dealership to sell ADS.EXE to others, as well as conventional Opportunities Online advertising. þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR AD AS A TEXT FILE ON AN IBM COMPATIBLE DISK. We will use your ad exactly as you send it to us. Your disk will be used to return your original file and your new ad program. You can even use large ASCII fonts like we have at the top of this file. (Order the QuickTitles share- ware from us if you need a program to generate these fonts. Please register shareware!) Think about it! ADS.EXE is really the only way to go in today's world of electronic marketing. Get your program today! Include the following information: 1. Name you want given to the .EXE file (GIZMO.EXE, MONEY.EXE, etc.) 2. Name you want to appear on the opening screen background (30 character & space limit). 3. Program description for the opening menu such as "Catalog Of Computer Opportunities" (38 character & space limit).